Step into Tranquility with our Float Therapy

The TULASOL Float Therapy Experience

Floating with us is effortless. Upon arrival, you'll check in and be guided to your private room where you'll shower before entering the open float tank, where you will begin to rejuvenate physically, mentally, and emotionally. At the end of your hour flotation session, calming music will play to prompt you to exit the tank. Post-float, we recommend showering to rinse off salt residue, leaving you ready to return to life refreshed and renewed.

What is Float Therapy?

Float therapy, also known as sensory deprivation therapy, involves relaxing in a specialized flotation tank filled with water and Epsom salts. All sights and sounds are removed allowing you to drift into a meditative state rejuvenating your mind and body. High salt concentration enables the body to float effortlessly, creating a sensation of weightlessness. The Epsom salt environment helps with lymph drainage and the absorption of Magnesium, which supports muscle and nerve function, regulates blood pressure, and contributes to maintaining healthy bones and a strong immune system.

Float therapy minimizes sensory input, reducing stress, promoting deep relaxation, and aiding in mental and physical rejuvenation. The practice is known to help with muscle recovery, stress relief, and enhancing overall well-being.

What You Need to Know About Your Float Therapy Experience

  • Float therapy, also known as sensory deprivation therapy, offers a range of potential benefits that promote physical relaxation, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

    • Stress Reduction: Floating in a sensory-deprived environment can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

    • Pain Relief: The buoyancy of the water can relieve pressure on joints and muscles, offering pain relief, especially for conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

    • Mental Clarity and Relaxation: Many people experience improved mental clarity, relaxation, and a sense of well-being after float sessions.

    • Muscle Recovery: Athletes often use flotation therapy to aid in muscle recovery and reduce post-exercise soreness.

    • Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving: Some individuals report increased creativity and improved problem-solving abilities following float sessions.

    • Improved Sleep: Regular flotation therapy sessions may help improve sleep quality and duration.

    • Mindfulness and Meditation: Floating in a sensory-deprived environment can deepen meditation practices and promote mindfulness.

    • Reduced Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: Flotation therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in some individuals.

    • Increased Magnesium Absorption: Epsom salts used in float tanks contain magnesium, which can be absorbed through the skin during sessions, potentially offering additional health benefits.

    These benefits can vary from person to person, and individual experiences with float therapy may differ. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

  • Float therapy is not suitable for everyone, and certain individuals should avoid it. Those who should not use float therapy include:

    • Individuals with Open Wounds: The high salt concentration in float tank water can aggravate and worsen open wounds.

    • People with Skin Conditions: Certain skin conditions, like eczema, can be exacerbated in the conditions of a float tank.

    • Those with Severe Mental Disorders: Individuals suffering from severe mental health issues, including extreme claustrophobia or acute anxiety, may have adverse reactions to the isolated and sensory-limited environment of a float tank.

    • Pregnant Women: While float tanks can be safe for some pregnant women, it’s advised to consult a healthcare provider before using them.

    • Individuals with Epilepsy or Severe Neurological Conditions: The risk of seizures may be heightened in the environment of a float tank.

    • Persons with Severe Kidney Diseases: The high salt content can be problematic for individuals with certain kidney conditions.

    • Those Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs: Using a float tank while under the influence increases the risk of unwanted incidents and should be avoided.

    This guidance is based on expert insights. For personal health concerns, always consult with a healthcare professional.